Herd Those Cats (Or, Collect Those Social Media Logins)
Herd Those Cats (Or, Collect Those Social Media Logins)

Sometimes, the best advice we can get is something we already know. This is one of those times.

You know the importance of all your passwords and login information. That said, I’m willing to bet that you don’t have them all stored in one location or you don’t know exactly who has access to all your online accounts (Facebook, Google Places, Yelp, Instagram, Snapchat, Blog, etc.).

When someone hires my firm to help with marketing and public relations, at least half the time it takes weeks to get access to all the social media accounts. 

Save yourself a lot of future headaches, and collect your passwords now and store them somewhere safe. This is a great time to review each of those accounts to see who  has access to your data. Odds are, you’ll find yourself removing people that haven’t even worked for you in quite some time.

Don’t wait for an emergency to start this process. Do it now, before there’s a reason, and I guarantee there will come a time that you’ll be very glad you did. 

About the Author: Zane Hagy is a PR and marketing professional, with a focus on the beauty industry and premium products. When it comes to the world of beauty, Zane’s niche is simple solutions for complex problems. Experience includes salons, schools, product lines, and individual artists. His agency, z11 communications, has also represented Intercoiffure America Canada since 2014. Email him at Zane.Hagy@z11communications.com or visit z11communications.com.

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