Ahead of his mainstage presentation at Data-Driven Salon Summit, on May 5th in Denver, Tim Fisk, director of brand development at Summit Salon Business Center, stopped by to chat with SALON TODAY's Stacey Soble about AI and how today's salons are beginning to leverage it.
"Everyone is talking about AI, whether it's going to replace us or help us--everyone has an opinion," says Fisk. "As salon companies, we gather a lot of data about our guests, but we don't do a lot with that data. When it comes to AI, I want to put it in perspective. At the end of the day, we are all small business owners and we have a lot going on, but there's a measured way we can approach AI while this very new thing is developing. Because what we discover and start plugging into today won't be relevant in six months."
In his Data-driven session, Fisk will take a fresh look at AI-deriven marketing tools to empower dsalon profssionals with cutting-edge strategies to boost their business through the power of OpenAI's ChatGBT chat bot, as well as custom chat bots available in the ChatGPT Marketplace. He'll define best practices for blog writing (including effective back linking), social media content management and strategic plannin for your salon's marketing efforts.
To see the entire roster of speakers and purchase tickets for Data-Driven Salon Summit, visit datadrivensalon.com
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