Beauty by Imagination at ISSE

Beauty by Imagination at ISSE

Artists from the different brands were all on stage at the BBI booth.

Artists from the different brands were all on stage at the BBI booth. 

Beauty-Full: New Beauty by Imagination Debuts at ISSE
Beauty-Full: New Beauty by Imagination Debuts at ISSE
Beauty-Full: New Beauty by Imagination Debuts at ISSE
Disney Princess brushes from Wet Brush were featured in a strobing, light-changing display case.

Disney Princess brushes from Wet Brush were featured in a strobing, light-changing display case.

Kaley Wittnik onstage

Kaley Wittnik onstage

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Beauty by Imagination at ISSE

Beauty by Imagination at ISSE

Artists from the different brands were all on stage at the BBI booth.

Artists from the different brands were all on stage at the BBI booth. 

Beauty-Full: New Beauty by Imagination Debuts at ISSE
Beauty-Full: New Beauty by Imagination Debuts at ISSE
Beauty-Full: New Beauty by Imagination Debuts at ISSE
Disney Princess brushes from Wet Brush were featured in a strobing, light-changing display case.

Disney Princess brushes from Wet Brush were featured in a strobing, light-changing display case.

Kaley Wittnik onstage

Kaley Wittnik onstage

Over the weekend of January 25-27, 2020, at the International Salon and Spa Expo (ISSE) in Long Beach, CA, the Beauty by Imagination (BBI) booth was one of the busiest spots on the show floor.

The newly formed parent company of some of the industry’s most successful brands, including Wetbrush, Ouidad, and BioIonic, BBI celebrated its merger and integration of these companies with stage presentations, education, and new and exciting launches.

As BBI, a multi-brand diversified hair care, accessory, liquid and tool company, this new entity is ready to “deliver imaginative yet real solutions for a beautiful, happy life.”

The Details:

In September, 2019, J&D Brush Co., LLC (“JD Beauty” or “JDB”) announced that, following the successful carve-out of Goody from Newell and the merger and integration of Goody and JD Beauty, the companies would launch Beauty By Imagination which will serve as the brands’ new parent company. Additionally, the Company announced its Board of Directors has designated Francesca Raminella, Chief Commercial Officer of JDB/Goody, and Gary Dailey, Chief Financial and Chief Operations Officer of JDB/Goody, to jointly lead BBI.

 “I am very pleased with the new name of the combined companies,” said Jeff Rosenzweig, founder-JD Beauty, which was founded 42 years ago and has grown consistently and substantially since its inception. “I look forward to this new phase of its life which I am sure will be exceptional and rewarding for all!”

For more information on BBI, the full release can be read here.




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Originally posted on Modern Salon