Honey & Sage
Honey & Sage Salon
Los Altos, California
Owned by: Donna Gardner
Donna Gardner is a Gardner by name and a gardener in expertise, so her philosophy of nurturing all things directed every step of her rebranding process.
When choosing the name, Gardner turned to Imaginal Marketing. Together, the team landed on honey, which tips its hat to bees—flower pollinating creatures whose preservation is one of Aveda’s causes—while sage represents both the plant and an enlightened possessor of wisdom.
The plurality of the meaning is expressed in the primary feature of the salon logo—a letter H, the legs of which are joined with a spring of sage on one side and a honeycomb on the other. The honeycomb became an oft-repeated art element appearing on website and social media, as well as on referral cards, business cards and promotions.
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