You don’t have to look much further than this year’s Oscars and Ellen’s record-breaking tweet to witness the power of the selfie. In today’s social media-driven world, your client’s selfie with a tag to your salon is a golden endorsement and exposure to a new world of potential clients.
Patrick McIvor, artistic and Techniculture director of Goldwell and KMS, encourages salons to get their guests to start taking pictures of themselves. “Create places in your salon and special opportunities that make them want to take that picture and post it to their favorite social medium,” he says. “Stylists should offer to take a before and after with the client’s own phone, then invite them to tag the salon when they post it. Run a promotion that offers them a sample service or product as gift or a discount if they take a picture with their stylist and post it. Get a fun mirror than clients can take their picture in or paint a Hollywood star on the ground with a sign that says, ‘A spot for your best selfie.’”
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