CIDESCO USA Examiner Margrit Altenburg Passes Away

 CIDESCO USA Section recently shared the sad news of the death of Margrit Altenburg of the Institute of Cosmetology & Esthetics (IC&E) in Houston, TX.

 “Margrit was a true leader in establishing the credibility and authenticity of CIDESCO in the United States,” said Paul Dykstra, CEO, Cosmetologists Chicago and the American Association for Esthetics which holds the CIDESCO USA section administration. “She was a pioneer in raising the visibility and professionalism of skin care and esthetics in our country. She will certainly be missed for her energetic support of CIDESCO USA.”

 Altenburg, a native of Germany, became director of Houston’s The Institute of Cosmetology & Esthetics in 1999. IC&E had, just two years before, become the first CIDESCO International accredited school in the USA. A member of The International Education Committee and a CIDESCO examiner, Altenburg insisted that all the Institute’s teachers become CIDESCO certified. Today, IC&E is the only school in the USA with three international examiners teaching in its skin and body care department.

Such accreditation means that IC&E is thoroughly inspected on a yearly basis regarding curriculum, staff, physical facilities, equipment and teachers’ credentials and found to meet the worldwide high standards established by CIDESCO. IC&E proudly offers CIDESCO Certification in a 1400-hour esthetics course.

 A CIDESCO Diploma is the next step in an esthetician’s education. Often known as the “PhD in Skin Care & Body Therapy,” the diploma enables the holder to work with physicians, dermatologists, plastic surgeons as well as in spas and clinics. The CIDESCO Examination, which will be administered by CIDESCO USA Section, is the same globally, enabling holders to achieve the highest recognition and employment throughout the world.

 “CIDESCO USA and the entire esthetics world will certainly miss the guidance of Magrit Altenburg,” concluded Dykstra.

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