Buddy System Cards
William Edge Salons
New Braunfels, Texas
Owned by: William Edge
To help team members connect with prospective clients, William Edge Salons designed a series of colorful, square cards promoting a range of offers including product discounts, service deals, complimentary services and a refer-a-friend offer.
It cost $6,372 for the copywriting, design and printing of 120,000 cards for the salon’s seven locations. (That works out to $.05 a card.) The cards are circulated widely and rely on word-of-mouth and personal relationships.
Each Buddy Card makes an offer to a prospective client, from a retail discount to a service deal to a complimentary add-on service.
“They’re eye-catching, different and the offers are significant enough to serve as a draw for new clients and as an incentive for existing clients to try something new,” William Edge says.
Measuring the monetary return in just one location, the first six weeks of the campaign alone paid for the entire program for all seven locations.
“This campaign gave my team a different set of tools that were tailored to multiple scenarios—the cards are automatic conversation-starters that leave the right impression,” Edge says.
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