Sports fan Eric Fisher with WuShock, the mascot for Wichita State University.
Sports fan Eric Fisher with WuShock, the mascot for Wichita State University.

Look up “busy” in the dictionary, and you just may see Eric Fisher’s picture. Between managing his three eponymous salons and a cosmetology school in Wichita, Kansas, traveling the country as a platform artist with Aquage, and coaching salon owners on best customer-service practices, Fisher is a man on the go.

Eric Fisher Salons take pride in delivering a consistent experience for each guest, during each visit. Their marketing strategy is simple: “Appreciate the guests you have and find ways to make their visit even better the next time around.”

For this month’s Personal Compass, we uncover what makes the man Eric Fisher tick, and discover he’s just as nice as his salon persona.

SALON TODAY: What time is your alarm set to wake you up in the morning?
Fisher: I don’t use an alarm. I automatically wake up at 5 a.m.

ST: What’s for breakfast?
Fisher: I eat healthy. Erewhon super grains and almond milk. Coffee. And, often a protein smoothie.

ST: First item you like to cross off your to-do list?
Fisher: Exercise or emails.

ST: What time do you go into the salon?
Fisher: Depends on the day. 8:30 a.m. at the East salon; 8:00 a.m. at the Eric Fisher Academy; 9:00 a.m. at my West location; 12:30 p.m. at my Derby salon; and 9 a.m. at the Prosper U (Academy) office.

ST: How much time do you spend at the salon?
Fisher: It varies. Tuesdays are the training nights. We never miss that, by the way. That’s a 13-hour day. At the school, it’s usually eight hours. It’s a whirlwind of events, training and activities.

ST: What’s for lunch?
Fisher: Vietnamese is my favorite.

ST: Who do you wish you could have lunch with?
Fisher: My family.

ST: What’s your daily fitness ritual?
Fisher: I start in the mornings with time on the bike or free weights.

ST: What do you do when relaxing is an option?
Fisher: I play baseball, basketball, or throw the football with my 14-year-old son. I do this almost every night to unwind and connect.

ST: Biggest waste of time on a daily basis?
Fisher: I don’t waste much time. I pride myself on being a good time manager.

ST: What would surprise people about you?
Fisher: I love sports.

ST: Cat, dog, both, or something else?
Fisher: I have cats, dogs, birds, chickens, fish, lizards, spiders and horses!

ST: How do you unwind?
Fisher: Basketball, wine, reading, wine, conversation, wine.

ST: What time do you go to sleep?
Fisher: 11ish.

ST: What career would you have tried if you didn’t become a colorist?
Fisher: Photographer.

ST: What do you love about your life?
Fisher: Everything.

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