For salon owners, having a coach is necessary for bringing business goals to fruition. But where do you start when finding the right mentor match? As part of our Burning Questions series, we gathered our readers' essential business questions and posed them to authorities in the industry. Here, founder of Salon Cadence Ronit Enos provides six tips to follow when hiring.
SALON TODAY: How do I choose the right business coach?
Enos: From the many clients and coaches I’ve worked with, I can tell you that the most success comes from those salon owners who are open to coaching and eager for change, willing to commit at least 5 hours a week, understand that they don’t know everything, and are willing to invest. Once you invest the money, time and work, you’ll see results.
There are some programs that are automated, fully online courses. Others have 1-on-1 calls, group calls, or a combo of all. Some coaches focus on teaching you why and how you need to do things. Others work with you to not only teach you, but also put the systems in place with you. A good coach will recognize and work to make sure your company goals are aligned with your financial and personal goals. To find the right coach, you need to identify the level you’re willing to commit to improve your business and life.
The most successful coach/owner duos are the ones who include the whole umbrella: consulting, training, solution-based programs, implementation, and the most important part, realizing that every salon requires a custom program. The best coaches are almost partners in your business.
Don’t be intimidated by high-priced coaching programs. I’ve heard many clients say before signing: “I can’t afford it.” My answer to them is always “You can’t NOT afford it.” It’s no wonder they’re struggling and can’t identify why!
Once you surround yourself with and start learning from someone who has the training and has been in your exact shoes before and succeeded, is when the light bulbs start going off left and right. To put in perspective, a non-specific business degree costs minimum 25k-50K a year.
Tips when hiring a coach:
- Ask to talk to graduates of the program.
- If a coach is doing a webinar in, take it; then decide if they’re someone you can work with.
- Make sure they offer a complimentary strategy/discovery call. If they don’t, rule them out.
- Find out if they offer support or additional programs after the intensive coaching period is over.
- Ask if you can keep the materials after your sessions/program ends.
- Don’t overlook logistics. Pin downtime commitments, how they work and if their hours and time zones are compatible with yours.
Accountability vs. empowering: make sure that the program teaches you to be empowered and doesn’t use a “hand-holding” mentality so you can evolve as a leader and innovator and not be dependent on anyone else. Always make sure your coach is your guide, and you are the hero.
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