STAMP 2015: Ihloff Salon's Mobile Marketing Program

Mobile Upgrade
Ihloff Salon and Day Spa
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Owned by: Marilyn Ihloff

With as much as 50 percent of web traffic today being conducted on mobile devices, Ihloff wanted to ensure the salon’s website offered the same comprehensive experience on guests’ mobile devices as it did their desktops.

Spending $15,125 on the site revision, the salon launched the new mobile responsive site in February 2015. Easy-to-access customized features for smartphones and tablets include online booking, gift card sales, and new client offers, as well as a custom-built matching system that helps people identify which Ihloff stylist best suits their needs.

“Since the launch, more than half of the visits to were conducted on a mobile device, and people on tablets browse the most number of pages—5.48—per session,” says Ihloff.

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