In today’s world many of us as business owners struggle to think of new ways to attract new business. The new customer trek is something we have to continually think about in the salon business to be successful. You can spend tons of your hard earned money on marketing and sometimes end up with poor results. There are other avenues to gain customers, but sometimes just thinking out of the box a bit can be easier and more successful than the traditional old school marketing ways.
Many salons are trying to convey to their customers that they are fashion trend setters. Not only with being specialists in hair and makeup but also with clothing, jewelry and accessories. Woman today see fashion through various channels on television, magazines, and other means of social networking and want what they see when they see it and that’s fast…
The going theory about shopping today is that people in general want their clothes, jewelry and home décor fast but also with convenience in mind. With most households working two jobs it’s not easy for someone to just take a day to go shopping.
Amazon and other online companies are now offering same day delivery in some communities just to keep up with the demand of the customer, so the customer never has to leave the couch. Making shopping easier with a quick fix and ultimate customer satisfaction.
Girls Night Out – Salons around the country are trying to fill that shopping void for not only their customers but new ones as well. By offering girl’s night out “Trunk” sales or “Jewelry Shows” These Girls night out are done with invites to existing customers with the emphasis of bringing a friend or two. Setting a special date and time, usually on a slow night to not disrupt regular business.
Woman are wired for relationships so these “Girl Nights Out “ are geared for relationship building. The clothes lines you bring in or jewelry should be in various sizes and styles. Trying on blouses, dresses, jeans, shoes and jewelry is pleasurable and entertaining. Have some wine and cheese, let your customers ply each other with drinks and shop and have some fun. The night out will be memorable.
Social Selling – This form of selling retail is becoming a growing trend. The success of social selling is because most woman don’t have the time to shop with other people. Often they have children tagging along with them while shopping. Trying to shop cuts into family time and girlfriend time is usually the first thing that gets cut out of the working mom’s busy schedule. Most yearn for input when shopping especially for new trendy clothes, hair and makeup. Many times they lack the confidence to buy something new and different. The nice thing about these “Girls nights out” is that you and your staff can interact with these people offering advice. Does this look good, do I look fat, how would my hair look if, how about eye liner to match this outfit. These are all cool ways to introduce your salon services and staff to your guests
The best part about the “Girls Night Out” is that many of clothes may have to be ordered so guess what your clients and their guests will have to come back to the salon to pick up their purchases. Mission accomplished. When they come back it’s time to sell your new acquaintances on the salon and services. What a great opportunity to open the door to potential new business. Good luck and have some FUN!
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