Pureology and Global Green Announce Green School WinnerGlobal Green USA and Pureology announced that Boston Latin School won Global Green USA’s second Annual Green School Makeover Competition, which was presented by Pureology. The initiative helps schools become more energy efficient, conserve water, reduce waste and teach students about recycling.

Boston Latin School will receive a $75,000 grant to create a sustainable school garden, improve energy consumption and reduce the amount to plastic water bottles on the campus. The school was selected from more than 450 entries containing student proposals outlining existing and planned green initiatives. Global Green provides projects, research and assistance in helping communities, companies and individuals pursue a more sustainable existence.

Pureology, which has a sustainable corporate vision and a commitment to environmental preservation, has joined with Global Green to present this initiative to help schools and students adopt green practices. Finalists included schools from around the country.

Pureology will be tracking Boston Latin’s progress with photos and videos that will be posted on its Facebook page. Follow the school’s renovation at facebook.com/pureology.


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