Want to drive men straight out of your business and away from your retail area? Here are five common pitfalls.
1. Product Clutter. A clean, well-laid out product area will be more effective for all of your customers. But for men, the clutter will really make them crazy, especially if they can't figure out which products are intended for them. Devote a special section to men's products and indicate it is for them.
2. No Price. Make sure each and every product is clearly marked with a price. Nothing's more frustrating than picking up a product you like and not being able to find out how much it costs without consulting the receptionist.
3. Strong Scents. If you don't carry a special men's line in your salon, make sure you carry one that's scent-neutral or scentless. Men aren't going to purchase floral or fruity-smelling products.
4. Pretty Packaging. Same goes for packaging. Are all your products pale pink with yellow trim? They're not going to make it out of the salon and into your male clients' bathrooms.
5. No Explanation. Men are not as familiar with terms like "molding clay" or "foaming gel" as women are. They also aren't always going to take the time to squint at the tiny paragraph of writing on the bottle that explains the product's features. A notecard with a few well-chosen descriptors (for example: "provides great hold without that crispy feel.") will go a long way to helping your male clients choose the right products.
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