What would your clients do if they came in for their appointment and found no magazines in waiting area? What if there was no reading material to entertain them as their color processed?
Publishers have been sending complimentary consumer magazines to salons for decades. And, while these publishers would rather sell you paid subscriptions, they realize that you're not likely to pay for the full range of reading material to appeal to all of your clients. So, to sample their product and generate subscribers, most consumer magazine publishers provide complimentary magazines to salons, spas and doctor's offices.
With hundreds of thousands of salons in the U.S., each one isn't going to receive every magazine. Publishers rely on a few specialist companies to tailor the distribution of their public place copies to meet their business goals.
Why is this Important?
You know that your clients appreciate having consumer magazines to read when they come for their appointments. you also know that this complimentary service saves you hundreds of dollars in subscription costs. However, free distribution is closely regulated by the advertising industry and concerns have been raised about whether these free magazines are really wanted by salons and whether these publications truly get displayed.
One of the biggest providers of complimentary magazines has done something to address these advertiser concerns. The aptly-named Waiting Room Subscription Servicers (WRSS), which works with magazines as diverse as People, Glamour, Vogue, Women's Health and Prevention, has developed an online resource to help you get the most from your complimentary magazine service. Their database contains every type of public place location...and chances are your salon is probably in it.
Click here for the WRSS website, and you can:
- Opt in to continue to receive complimentary magazines...this will show that you want these magazines.
- Make sure your address is correct or make a change that is necessary to ensure uninterrupted delivery.
- Share facts about your clientele to help WRSS send the titles your customers want.
- Tell WRSS which magazines you don't want to receive, if any.
To ensure your preferences are noted and that your complimentary copies continue to come your way, you or a staff member should go to WaitingRoomPubs.com. Follow the instructions on the sign-in page. The process takes less than 10 minutes.
(WRSS is the industry leader in public place distribution of magazines to medical and dental practices, personal care salons, and many other types of businesses. The company has been serving major publishers for more than 20 years.)
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