Kip Dodson, owner of A Moment's Peace Salon and Spa in Franklin, Tennessee uses one metric to measure guest satisfaction.

Kip Dodson, owner of A Moment's Peace Salon and Spa in Franklin, Tennessee uses one metric to measure guest satisfaction. 

Let's shake up the salon and spa scene, shall we? Recently, a few peers of mine raised concerns about our industry—whispers of decline in client satisfaction and general disarray. While I could see what they were saying, I also thought I've found something we need to further explore. There's a beacon of hope, in my experience, that I've tried with remarkable success, amidst these murmurs—a way to measure and elevate our standing, whether you're in a bustling commission-based salon, a school or flourishing in a chic suite. 

Enter Net Promoter Score (NPS) the brainchild of Fred Reichheld from Bain & Company, and my team's game-changer at A Moment's Peace Salon & Spa in Frankline, Tennessee, near Nashville. Since adopting NPS back in late 2019, we've seen a shift in our confidence. We know when it's going right and when it's not, plus we can fix it faster than ever before. I then started asking around and realized few of us are using NPS. Imagine if we all jumped aboard this satisfaction rocket together—what could we achieve? Adopting this across our industry could elevate it. 

At it's heart, NPS isn't just a simple number; it's a rally cry that aligns everyone from our salon and spa providers to the receptionist and most importantly, our cherished guests. It's about seeing the immediate impact of our efforts hour by hour, day by day. And boy, does it push us to excel. Our NPS journey has taught us that what gets measured gets managed—and what gets managed gets mastered. 

Curious about more details and our results? Google "A Moment's Peace Net Promoter Score," or click here and see for yourself. We're not just counting numbers, we're manufacturing and counting Promoters--over 11,500 and counting to be precise. Each digit tells a story of satisfaction, a testament to the magic happening daily. 

Why should you care? Well, beyond the warm fuzzies of making clients happy, and illustrating it on our website, there are practical perks here that are important to recognize. 

  1. Simplicity Rules: One number unites us all—salon staff, spa providers, managers, owners, front desk, and clients alike. It's a beacon of clarity in a sea of professionals and treatments. 
  2. Speed Wins: Quick on the draw? Well, get even faster. It matters. More than ever. Fast feedback response isn't simply good manners; it's good business--especially in the digital age, show-me-now, is everything. NPS keeps us agile, responsive, and always improving. We retain the expertise, better, because we see the impact in the moment, so our whole team better understands our craft along with how to perform it, more consistently, the next time around.
  3. Track Progress: Day to day, month to month, year over year—NPS feedback keeps us honest and hungry for betterment. It's our maps program to greatness.
  4. Benchmark Brilliance: Wonder how you stack-up? NPS lets us compare within our industry and beyond. Scores between 88-93 are world class,  showcasing our prowess and setting new standards across all other industries. I suspect many of us who enthusiastically install it would score in this range, or higher than all the others, so never again will we be seen as an industry that is not respected. Here's the statistical proof.

But NPS isn't about accolades; it's about evolution. In our case we proved that we are performing great in our industry and outside of it. It's proof that simplicity sparks faster improvement, that transparency breeds trust. And trust me, when you've got data on your side: tell everyone!

Recruitment becomes easier, new clients want to give us a try because everyone loves a winner.

Imagine an industry where every salon and spa sings the praises of NPS, where client satisfaction isn't just a goal but a guarantee. The client is engaged in the process the entire way because it's based on what they report. We'd be an unstoppable force, attracting the best and brightest because we can prove—down to the decimal—that we're the crème de la crème.

So, let's do this, folks. Let's harness the power of NPS to not just measure our success but to magnify it. Let's show the world—and ourselves—what we're truly capable of. Because when simplicity meets innovation, when data fuels determination, there's no limit to how high we can rise.

Whispers of decline and disarray will turn into – let's look at the data to compare and see what's performing the best in the eyes of our cherished guests, all based on one measure we use across the industry. I predict that the salons and spas that embrace NPS will skyrocket to the top like fireworks and stay there like seasoned champions.

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