5 Ways to Reboot Your Brain After One Year of COVID Anxiety and Stress
5 Ways to Reboot Your Brain After One Year of COVID Anxiety and Stress

Neuroscience Expert & Creator of BrainTapDr. Patrick Porter is an award-winning scientist who has devoted his career to mental health and researching the brain. His work with brainwave 'entratainment' includes the development of  a new enhanced meditation practice that brings mindfulness to the next level.

A leader in the digital health and wellness field, Dr. Porter offers these suggestions for ways to reboot your brain, after a year of living during the COVID-19 pandemic: 

Keep a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Our bodies are best able to reset and recharge through a good night’s sleep. The brain has a process of cleansing and releasing toxins when we reach deep sleep. When we repeatedly lack a beneficial sleeping routine, our brain builds up toxins that can make us feel groggy, tired, and unable to concentrate throughout the day. As much as possible, keep your sleep routine consistent. Prioritize sleep to help get the best quality rejuvenation for the day.  

Maintain Relationships

The days can begin to blur together, especially if you live alone or away from most of your family and friends. Burnout will have you feeling isolated and alone. Technology can be a fuel for feelings or isolation if we let it; technology can also help cultivate relationships. Perhaps set a goal to reach out to one or two people per day throughout the week, and see how you feel at the end of the week. Remember you are valued, and reach out to someone you love or to a professional if you are feeling lonely, unmotivated, and hopeless.

Invest in a Hobby

Create time to learn a new hobby or expand your skills within a hobby. So often we become sucked into the day-to-day routine that we lose ourselves in the process. Your hobbies and what you love are what make you, you. Learning something new is also good for your brain health and to increase overall motivation throughout the day and even in other tasks.

Get Fresh Air Every Day

When and where allowed, take some time to get outside. Keep a safe distance from others and maintain a respectful approach while also allowing yourself time away from screens. Spending time with nature has been proven to decrease levels of stress and increase overall feelings of wholeness and peace. If you would like to bring the outdoors inside, BrainTap’s headset and app facilitate that peace and calm found in the outdoors.

Prioritize Mindfulness

We can be mindful about what we consume. Rather than beginning our day looking at a screen, we can set aside a mindful moment. Create a space for yourself to have a moment of mindfulness, and take time to create, not just consume. We reflect our environment, and as we facilitate an environment in our home to become a place of rest and reflection, we can reset our mornings from one of stress to one of calm.

5 Ways to Reboot Your Brain After One Year of COVID Anxiety and Stress
5 Ways to Reboot Your Brain After One Year of COVID Anxiety and Stress

Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D., is an award-winning scientist who has devoted his career to mental health and researching the brain. Dr. Porter's contributions to functional neuroscience are paving the way for brainwave entrainment a new enhanced meditation practice that brings mindfulness to the next level. He is the recipient of the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Interdisciplinary Association of Functional Neurosciences and Rehabilitation. As the creator of BrainTap®, Dr. Porter has emerged as a leader in the digital health and wellness field.




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Originally posted on Modern Salon