The last thing any business owner wants to face is a messy employee situation. Luckily with a few simple tips offered by Eufora’s Director of Business Development John Cutrone, salon owners can handle these unfortunate situations with ease.
"Messy employee situations are tough. Most salon owners are amazing and talented in their work behind the chair, but they are not schooled in management or leadership. This leads them from this beautiful, lovely dream to open a salon to headaches and sleepless nights. However, with a little education on leadership and management, salon owners can find themselves excelling in other areas, not just doing hair,” Cutrone says. “When tough situations arise with employees many salon owners get so heated, they regret their actions and do not get the outcome they desired.”
Follow the below tips to ensure a swift and amicable way to deal with messy employee situations:
Closed Doors. “Address the challenge in private, not public. Always remember, celebrate in public and coach in private.”
Take Your Time. “Remember, great leaders do not manage their business with emotions. Instead take 24 hours and ask for 24 hours to process the information, seek counsel and think about the situation when you are not emotionally charged.
Address the challenge. Be open minded and think about the situation from both sides. Let the employee know from the start what your goal is for the meeting and start by saying something like ‘With the end in mind, I’d love to have this meeting end in both of us growing closer together and learning how we can be stronger as a team.” Engage the challenger with where you are coming from and teach them the situation from an ‘organizational point of view.’ Always sandwich the information. This means saying good news first, touch on the challenge in the middle and then finish with something positive”
Always work in facts. “When things become emotional remind yourself that emotions can be controlled and it is best to stay calm and control breathing. Salon owners would be amazed at what a few simple deep breaths can do to calm emotions."
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