Holiday shopping season is just around the corner. Your planning now is critical to claiming your salon's share of the shopping dollars to come. Yes, a longer shopping season means you have more opportunity to reach more guests, it also means shoppers are done earlier, so be there early and ready. The planning and timing can be overwhelming on your own, but here's a tip- START WITH YOUR OFFER. IT IS EVERYTHING.
Why do you need an offer? Because 82% of consumers say value matters to them (according to This is code for, “I expect a deal to shop with you.” (Not a surprise, and you're competing with national retailers who enforce this behavior.) Building out a campaign from a competitive offer first ensures a strong ROI, and being ready early claims more sales for your business.
Gift cards are already your best bet for high-dollar gifting sales, plus the right incentives encourage clients to spend even more. Results prove this combination works to grow your sales. In recent case studies, Imaginal Marketing's campaigns based on the strategies below saw a 39% increase in gift card sales. (Average results from 12 campaigns, Mother's Day 2022).
Read on to see the strategies three owners are using to increase sales with gift cards.
1. Your clients may surprise you.
You might be thinking,“My clients don't buy gift cards”. While that may be true, maybe they just never had the right reason to? Keri Davis-Duffy of Gila Rut Salon thought the same thing, but now has a new perspective after trying a gift card incentive with Imaginal last Mother's Day.
"I'd be surprised if we even sold $1000 before in gift cards. Our clients weren't gift card-buying people. And now they are!" says Keri.
2. High dollar gift cards are loyalty insurance.
If you could make 25% less on a client to ensure you don't lose a top-spender to a competitor– AND maybe also get a new client, would you do it? That's the basis behind this highly-effective strategy.
This offer has multiple scenarios. Some loyal clients will buy the $300 for themselves, because they need it anyway, and gift the $100 (proving they are both generous and savvy in one move). Or maybe they'll keep the whole $400 as their “house account”. Either way, you've just secured a client (or two) for repeat visits.
3. GWP is the MVP.
There's a reason the GWP (Gift with Purchase) is a classic retail upsell strategy– sometimes the client just needs to know they're getting something for free to buy more. Use luxury language and this strategy, along with a strategically chosen gift card threshold just above your average purchase, and watch sales jump. As a built-in bonus, the free retail gift encourages clients to try something new, plus often results in additional sales when they spend extra to buy what they really want.
While this may be a strategy you've seen or used, the fact that it works year after year is what keeps it a recurring best-practice. Don't be tempted to move on just because you're tired of something. When a strategy works, let it keep working for you. And the efficiencies you gain in repeating the operational process boost your team's spirit all season.
Want to try something different? Here are a few more tips to keep in mind as you customize your offer.
- Keep It Simple. Try writing out your offer on paper, as marketing copy. If it's hard to write concisely, it's even harder to understand quickly in a poster or from a stylist trying to explain it. Stay simple for best results.
- Make it easy for clients to redeem. Too many rules and disclaimers put up obstacles and delay the buying decision.
- Low-value incentives don't work. Savvy shoppers expect a 20% or more value add. If what you're giving them feels skimpy, or is valued at less, it probably won't work well enough for a solid ROI (6x).
Need help deciding what salon gift card strategy works best for your next campaign? Contact Imaginal at 985-792-0997 for a free consultation and planning session. For more great marketing ideas, Check out Imaginal Marketing's blog.
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