Professional Beauty Federation of California Retains Law Group to Compel Governor to Reopen Salons
Professional Beauty Federation of California Retains Law Group to Compel Governor to Reopen Salons

According to a press release from The Professional Beauty Federation of California (PBFC), they are working to file an emergency injunction in California courts in support of reopening salons.

The release reads: 

The Professional Beauty Federation of California (PBFC) has retained the Dhillon Law Group to file an emergency injunction against California Governor Gavin Newsom to compel him to reconsider his "months, not weeks" extension of his shutdown order for California beauty salons, barbershops, and beauty schools.

The Dhillon Law Group, working with the Center for American Liberty, has been helping to give voice to several industries and activities in California, now including the professional salon industry and its voice, the PBFC.

PBFC President, Ted D. Nelson said, "While our industry stood in solidarity with Governor Newsom’s original order to ‘flatten the contagion curve’ of the COVID19 virus to not overwhelm our healthcare providers, we believe our state has met that noble goal.  A shutdown of our salons and beauty schools cannot extend additional ‘months not weeks’, as the Governor announced on April 28, without devastating consequences to the livelihood and businesses of tens of thousands of California citizens.  Nor do we believe an extended lockdown of our salons is necessary to continue to combat the Coronavirus. 

Our licensed professionals are educated and trained to deal with cross-contamination and disinfection protocols in their licensed establishments.  Our clientele is our family, and we would do nothing to risk their health and safety.  With the proper safety protocols in place, let’s allow our licensed professionals to get back to doing what they do best in a safe, well-regulated environment.”

Fred Jones, PBFC Legal Counsel/Public Policy Director said, "California’s Barbering and Beauty industry is home to over a half-million licensees, working in over 50,000 licensed and well-regulated salons and barbershops.  All these professionals remain under gubernatorial order not to perform their licensed services.  Additionally, several hundred state-approved beauty colleges have been ordered to shut their doors, preventing tens of thousands of future licensees from entering our profession. 

Governor Newsom cannot change the goal posts in the middle of the game by transitioning from reducing the contagion curve to stopping the spread altogether by extending the shutdown for several more months.   If he does, most of our barbers, stylists, manicurists, and skin care professionals and the businesses they operate in will either fold up shop or resume their livelihoods in open defiance to feed their families and keep their businesses afloat.  With the proper PPE and procedures in place, our licensed professionals can safely resume their services and contribute to California’s economic recovery."


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Originally posted on Modern Salon

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