Day One of the Data-Driven Salon Experience Packs a Powerful Punch
Day One of the Data-Driven Salon Experience Packs a Powerful Punch

Your numbers tell a story. They can show you where your business is succeeding, and they can reveal opportunities—opportunities to drive growth and propel your salon’s success. Knowing how your numbers stack up against your peers opens your eyes to the possibilities.

The Data Driven Salon Experience—which is the virtual version of SALON TODAY’s live Data-Driven Salon Summit—takes a deep dive into salon metrics, helping you understand your business like never before and chart an action plan for its future success. In addition, tickets to our virtual experience are free for all beauty professionals.

Designed as five, two-hour sessions over consecutive Mondays and two Friday Forums, DDSE launches at 11:00 a.m. PST/2:00 p.m. EST on September 28 with some presentations that pack a punch.

Debra Penzone, president of PENZONE Salons + Spas in Columbus, Ohio, shows you how she’s rejuvenated a 50+ year old salon brand and how it’s reaching new client demographics as a result. Her rebranding journey included renaming the salon, developing a new logo, defining a new mission, resetting the salon’s culture and even rethinking the salon spaces in each of PENZONE’s locations. She’ll share both the changes they made and the new metrics they’re seeing.

Britni Volkman is a Salon Success Manager with Phorest Salon Software, and every day she helps salons set new goals and reach them. She’ll be defining some important salon success indicators, share the benchmarks they’ve developed from industry averages and give you some new goals for each metric.

Salon Owners Coral Pleas and Bonnie Conte will dive into the metric SGP--or percentage of salon...

Salon Owners Coral Pleas and Bonnie Conte will dive into the metric SGP--or percentage of salon guests purchasing retail. 

And, Bonnie Conte, owner of Avalon Salon and Spa, and Coral Pleas, owner of Cutting Loose Salons will review the metric, SGP—or percentage of service guests purchasing retail. They’ll show you what works for driving retail sales in their operations, how they inspire and engage their team members, and how the retail world is changing post-pandemic.

To check out the entire DDSE schedule and to register for the event, visit All sessions will be available on demand for up to a year, so register today and listen in when you schedule allows!

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