Should You Hire A Marketer for Your Salon?
Should You Hire A Marketer for Your Salon?

With so much competition vying for your client's attention these days, it can be oh-so difficult to ensure that they see your messaging. And when we talk about competition we don’t just mean other salons. We’re talking about every brand promoting themselves around the world.

A recent report published in Forbes highlighted that the average American is exposed to 4,000 to 10,000 ads each day. That is A LOT of taglines, promotions and calls-to-action.

With this level of attention-seeking, the average consumer has learned to simply block the majority of it out.

But the question is: How do we ensure that they don’t block out your messaging? And do you even have the time to make sure that your marketing is good enough to rise above the noise?

This is why many salon owners have actually started hiring marketing and media professionals for their business. By handing over this giant job, they are free to ensure that the rest of the salon’s priorities are catered to, while also understanding that the marketing is in safe, competent hands.

The idea of handing over your brand’s communication may sound scary at first. But that is why you prepare for it. Create a Brand Messaging Document, detailing exactly how your brand’s voice and style should be. This way, your new Salon Marketing Manager will have a clear direction and directive in what they are aiming to achieve.

Should You Hire A Marketer for Your Salon?
Should You Hire A Marketer for Your Salon?

You should also set qualified targets for the marketing professional to reach. And I’m not talking about just your social media followers either. Your Salon Marketer should aim to increase your email marketing open and click-through rates, ensuring that your audience reads the messages your salon is putting out.

They could also take key responsibility for your client retention rate, as well. Keeping track of the percentage of clients who come back to you again and again (Client retention isn’t just about marketing, however. Your stylists, therapists and front-of-house are all vital to the success of this target. But maybe your Marketing Manager can stay focused on the percentage and inform you and/or your team about the progress each month).

And with a salon software system like Phorest, all of the marketing and client retention data you need is at your fingertips. As well as a full suite of tools to help connect with clients like never before)!

Focusing On Social 

Having somebody dedicated solely to marketing your salon also provides you with the chance to rock your social media accounts like never before! Many salon owners, stylists and therapists understand the importance of publishing a consistent stream of relevant, vibrant and professional content across their social channels. But finding the time to do it can be tricky.

Also, as the years go by, video marketing is becoming more and more crucial. And having someone who will take the time to organise client testimonials, product reviews and how-to guides can really make your brand stand out amongst the rest.

And finally, sometimes, even the best salon owners feel like they have don’t have the comfort level or the personality to engage with people online. And you know what, that is absolutely understandable. We all have our areas of strength and weakness. But just because you don’t think you can do something, it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done. 

So if you want to cut through the noise and truly connect with your clients in this busy world, then hiring a Salon Marketing Manager might just be the answer for you.

About the Author: Chris Brennan is a salon marketing specialist and expert speaker for Phorest Salon Software. He travels the world helping salon owners get their clients back in more often, and spending more at each visit. If you would like to discover more about Phorest Salon Software’s reporting suite and how it can help grow your business, simply visit today and request a demo!

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