Eufora Business Trainer Anna Michelle Jackson-Petry

Eufora Business Trainer Anna Michelle Jackson-Petry

Salon owners often struggle with building a team culture that supports their vision. What many fail to realize is that the culture of the salon is more about the team than the owner. Yes, everyone knows the Golden Rule, but what changed the game for Eufora Business Trainer, and salon owner Anna Michelle Jackson-Petry, was embracing the Platinum Rule.

“Do unto others as they would have done unto themselves."

Anna Michelle shares, “I had to chart a journey toward understanding how to best lead my team; I had to learn what was most important and rewarding for the whole team, not just myself.  One of the most powerful and effective tools I found was adapting the principles from The Five Love Languages.”

This journey included three key steps, but each salon is different, so some owners may find that a three or four step process works best for them.  Below are the three steps that set her on the path to successful leadership and a great culture.

Really get to know the team.  Invest time with each member individually, and make them feel it is all about them

Determine what makes members feel cared for and valued.  Is it words of affirmation, positive feedback, mentorship, or perhaps gifts in the form of opportunities and challenges.  

Give each member personal time and attention. Engage in acts of service on their behalf, or offer physical touch points like high-fives, handshakes, fist bumps and pats on the back.

Customize your communication style for each team member.  When you understand what makes team members feel cared for and appreciated, you can then treat them in a way that is personally meaningful for each.

For example, if one team member values words of affirmation, then write them an endearing note or acknowledge them in a meeting, thanking them for a “good deed done” and the value they bring. One team member may find value in gifts, while another may find value in acts of service. Everyone on the team will likely have a unique and personal love language.

Lastly, it is important to acknowledge that your team will drive your culture, so dedicating yourself to Platinum Rule leadership will help ensure a salon environment that is a great place to work for both you and your team. Not sure where to begin? Online resources can be a big help; try The Five Love Languages Quiz on Pinterest to kickstart your journey.

For more information on successful salon leadership, salon owners can join in the monthly Eufora Salon Owner Network meetings, or check out additional business education offerings online at



About Eufora                                                                                                                                                                                        In a category that is crowded with rampant brand over promising, the Eufora voice stands out as honest, real, and personal.   It takes its cues from the vision of company founders, Don and Beth Bewley, who, in 1997, started a hair care company built on a foundation of passion, integrity and caring for the professional salon world. Today Eufora is recognized globally for a vision that extends beyond the innovation of people and planet friendly products, delivering on a promise to provide incomparable programs to nurture the next generation of salon professionals.  

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