New Board of Certified Haircolorists (BCH) Offers All Colorists Professional Online Testing and...
New Board of Certified Haircolorists (BCH) Offers All Colorists Professional Online Testing and...


The newly formed non-profit Board of Certified Haircolorists (BCH) has announced its professional conversion of the Haircolor Board Certification process to online testing with its own verifiable secure platform. According to BCH Executive Director Jessee Skittrall, the online testing option for Board Certification is available to all colorists, including those who have already been certified through ABCH.

“This exciting new certification option for colorists was developed in response to the conditions and demands brought on by the 2020 pandemic,” said Skittrall.  “Also, when it became evident that our respected former American Board of Certified Haircolorists (ABCH) was not able to continue with its mission of certification and education, several devoted ABCH-certified colorists teamed up independently to officially form BCH, a federally recognized 501c3 organization. Our goal is to carry forward the critical process for all colorists of board certification, yet transition into new, progressive and highly-credentialed methods made accessible to all.”

Heading up the new Board of Certified Haircolorists are salon industry veterans Peggy Sue Schmoldt, President and Director of Marketing; Toni Mondragon, Vice-President and Director of Education; Jessee Skittrall, Executive Director and Kevin Anthony, Consultant and Technical Advisor.

Bottom line, BCH’s current task is to convert the Board Certification Exam to an online platform that is a fully secure and verifiable process. The long-term vision is to update and maintain the Certification Manual and the Certification Exam, creating diverse, inclusive and dynamic curriculum that will reflect current and generally accepted professional coloring practices for all hair textures with an eye to developing Texture Certification Course.

Skittrall concludes: “In support of the Certification process and to promote the continued education of the Certified Haircolorists, the next steps include planned educational events that will be offered both virtually and in-person as conditions permit.”

For further questions re: BCH and the transition process, contact:

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Originally posted on Modern Salon