812-455-1367 or 619-261-3843
OWNERS: Amy Carter and Louis Mattassi

Empowering You Consulting 2012

Empowering You supports salon/spa owners in three areas: comprehensive trainings that provide business solutions that result in financial and personal success and include interactive fun; coaching programs that offer proven solutions to common business challenges; and tools and business partners that support your business with simplified salon and spa management systems ready to be implemented.

WHY WE’RE DIFFERENT: Everyone within the company of Empowering You either works in a salon/spa presently, or owns or has owned a salon/spa. This difference supports our company’s Vision and Mission of staying upto- date with what is going on in our industry and be diligent of the needs of salons and spas in today’s marketing place.

HOW WE WORK: We travel throughout North America and the Caribbean delivering different educational workshops, as well as our 4-day intensive program for owners and managers. Our main goal is to guide participants in business skill sets needed to understand how to run and manage a profitable business. Our approach is ‘less is more’ meaning we limit the number of guests attending our intensive course to maximize comprehension and communication. Our intimate but powerful set-up allows extra oneon- one exclusive time with participants.

YOU CAN CATCH US AT: Empowering You University for Owners: In Fort Lauderdale, FL, on March 4-7; and in Chicago on July 29-Aug. 1. You can also catch us January 28-29 at ISSE Long Beach; on April 22-23 at IBS New York and June 10-11 at IBS Vegas.

OUR ADVICE: A smooth operation is the responsibility of the owner. As the leader of the team it is up to you to set the tone of the work environment. Before you begin your day, look in the mirror and ask yourself ‘Who do I need to be for my team to succeed today? What leadership qualities could I take on today?’

PROFIT TIP: Stay in budget! Know your numbers! Have your team involved in goal setting and having a strong relationship with their numbers.

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