A New Helpful Guide Points Cancer Victims to Financial Resources; A Good Resource to Share with...
A New Helpful Guide Points Cancer Victims to Financial Resources; A Good Resource to Share with...

As an integral part of their clients' beauty journey, stylists, nail technicians and estethicians often become a guiding force when their favorite guests battle cancer. They step in and help with wigs, extensions and hair pieces when clients lose their hair during chemotherapy, and they adapt their services when treatment alters a client's skin, hair and nail conditions. Frequently, they also nuture and console these guests through a trust that has built over many years. Beauty pros in the know also can point their clients to helpful resources.

Despite the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the financial burden of cancer can be extreme. While the medical costs of cancer can be overwhelming for cancer patients, the additional expenses that result from cancer are equally difficult to overcome. Cancer patients can minimize these costs, though, by knowing the many resources available to them.

CouponChief recently published its Ultimate Guide to Financial Resources for Cancer Patient, to help them cope with the financial burden of cancer. This helpful online guide breaks down the costs of cancer, points victims and their families to 20+ financial resources that may offer some assistance in offsetting escalating costs, and suggests 11 money-saving strategies.

Take a moment to make yourself familiar with this helpful resource, and suggest it to clients who are facing a cancer battle: CouponChief's Ultimate Guide to Financial Resources for Cancer Patients can help them with that. To learn more, visit https://www.couponchief.com/guides/financial_help_for_cancer_victims

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