Monday, April 20th marks the return of 4th annual 30Days2Grow challenge, powered by Phorest Salon Software.
30Days2Grow is a free, one-of-a-kind business growth challenge for salon owners and their teams. This time around, due to the current context, the challenges will be focused around positive actions salon owners and their teams can take while the salon is closed, ensuring they’re in the best possible position for reopening after the COVID-19 crisis.
Starting on Monday, April 20th, 2020, and for 30 days straight, participants will be provided with impactful, yet easy-to-execute tasks designed to benefit their business during these trying times. And for the very first time, the daily challenges will be delivered via Instagram.
Check out what previous participants enjoyed about the challenge:
“I don’t know if it’s 100% coincidence or not, but I had my highest month ever in July (2019) when I did 30Days2Grow! I think a big part of my success was daily reminders to put time and effort into growing my business, rather than getting complacent.”
“I want to say a big thanks to all involved in 30Days2Grow… it has made me see things in a different light and also address issues I have had in my salon.”
Don't be scared, be prepared: get a new daily task for 30 days straight designed to help lead a successful salon reopening.
Sign up for the challenge here
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