The holidays can be the busiest--and most stressful--time for hairdressers. That's why Limitless Hairdresser founder Kelli Mason is launching a three-part guided meditation specific to hairstylists at this time of year.
"What better time to start meditating when you feel like the mind is most scattered?" Mason says. "This meditation is designed to empower hairdressers to create boundaries and set intention, and eliminates the concept of burnout."
Mason is also a salon owner, working with clients doing hair twice a week. Three years ago, when she would teach balayage classes, she began leading students through a guided meditation before starting class to help increase their awareness. She saw so much success and excitement with this, she wanted to fully integrate meditation and hairdressing.
The guided meditations include a workbook and audio to follow. There are three meditations to use throughout your day--morning, after work, and before you go to bed.
"These simple, yet impactful practices will help you to begin your workday with intention, decompress after your day is done, and calm the mind before dozing off into healing beauty sleep," Mason says.
Each meditation is between three and five minutes long, and is designed to be practiced every day. She recommends you do them in order and use the workbook's journaling guidelines until you can do it on your own, in your own way.
Find the meditations, in order, here:
- Morning: Set Intention
- After work: Decompress into the present moment
- Before bed: Practice gratitude
"Use these meditations in order until you can do it on your own, in your own way," Mason says in the workbook. "They are meant to help you create a habit of being present and aware of your own powerful energy. They will help you become totally confident that you have all the power within you to navigate any situation with ease and grace."
Click here to download the full workbook
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Originally posted on Modern Salon