AS THE NEW YEAR APPROACHES, it’s time to set your 2012 goals. Action plans are the number-one secret to effective goal setting. All it will take is determination, and a realistic action plan. Through effective planning and developing realistic action plans for each of your goals, we can break down the unattainable into an attainable reality.
Success steps to create action plans:
A=Accountable. Hold yourself accountable to the goals you have set out to achieve in your business or personal lives.
C-Clarify your goals. What does the desired outcome look like? How will you know if you have reached your goal?
T=Timeline. Set deadlines for your goals. Prioritize key actions that must be achieved first.
I=Identify Needs. Identify outside resources to support you in achieving your goals.
O=Obstacles. Identify any obstacles that may get in your way of achieving your goals.
N=Navigate. Utilize your action plan on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to help you navigate and achieve your goals.
The key to remember is that action plans make goals happen. Here’s to a successful and empowering 2012.
TODAY, SALON STAFFS are looking for more than a manager, they are looking for leaders who are visionary, empowering and encouraging.
- Have meetings once a week with your team. Make sure you have a clear, concise agenda and timeline. Make sure there are minutes taken to share with people who cannot attend. Instead of you, the owner, doing most of the talking, let your staff have the floor. They must be comfortable to say what they would like, positive or negative. Share results, reinforce the “world-class” message and open the floor for ideas to improve, attract clients, sell more retail and build loyalty.
- Encourage your employees to lead. Let them make their own decisions, take charge of their own destiny. Don’t micro-manage, motivate them.
- Hire passionate people, people who are happy, of course talented but those who will fit in your group environment. One toxic unhappy employee can destroy everything. I always hired for attitude first and talent second.
Leadership does matter. How you create the environment and set the tone in your salon will be critical to your success. The old adage, “you can’t do it alone” rings so true.
IN TODAY’S ECONOMY, it is more important than ever to put business practices in place that put money in the bank. We help struggling salons and spas change their business operations to become more profitable. Here are three easy strategies that improve cash flow.
- Start thinking of yourself as a businessperson. The tools it takes to be a great hairstylist are not the same tools it takes to be a great businessperson. You need to have systems and strategies in place that will help you be more profitable.
- Know your numbers. Whether you like it or not, your numbers are your score card. For example: How many clients do you need per week to keep the doors open or to be profitable? Are you back-bar costs in line? Learn how to calculate our gross profit percentage.
- Don’t give the government too much. Make the time for tax-planning, so you aren’t overpaying your taxes. Common items that are missed that cost thousands of dollars in taxes are: meals and knowing which ones are 100% deductible, mileage, clothing, office in the home, family as a tax shelter, being in the wrong form of business and understanding the ‘primary purpose’ principle.
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