Salon life




Owned Lockworks for Hair, three locations; Lockworks Academie of Hairdressing, two locations.


As president and creative director for Brocato America Hair Care Products I create and test new hair care designs and products as well as participate in Brocato Hair Shows. I also produce Brocato DVDs and photo work, and recently became a partner in Liquid Assets, a Brocato distribution company and management consulting firm.

Number of staff

1984: 100 in salons, 35 in schools

2004: 25

Can't live without hair

1984: Paul Mitchell Sculpting Lotion

2004: Brocato Cloud 9 Miracle Repair Mousse

Your mentors

1984: Edwin “Smokey” Neill, Paul Mitchell, John Paul Dejoria, Tom Peters and Walt Disney.

2004: My Young President’s Organization Forum in Louisiana with whom I’ve met on a monthly basis for the past 12 years.

Your growth goals

1984: In my salon/school company, we had a detailed three- to five-year strategic plan in place for growth, and I was writing a book about retailing. I also participated in and produced educational events worldwide.

2004: A new Brocato line to be launched August 2004 I’m also working on two books and planning a second edition of my book, Beautiful Business.

Biggest accomplishment

1984: Winning the title “World’s Top Fashion Hairdresser” at the World Hairdressing Congress in London in 1982.

2004: A complete re-engineering of our life—family and business—by becoming “bi-coastal” (East Coast and Gulf Coast)


What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from the past 20 years?



Talent alone is never enough! Never burn bridges—for you may need to go that way again.

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