Eufemia Styling Chair from Belvedere
Eufemia Styling Chair from Belvedere
SHOPPING TIP: “Always think of your customer first, when choosing salon equipment. Their comfort...
SHOPPING TIP: “Always think of your customer first, when choosing salon equipment. Their comfort and enjoyment of the atmosphere is essential to having them return. When you buy a beautiful European chair, you need to remember to check the inside width of the chair to ensure there is enough room for every client to fit comfortably.” -Luca Fonte, Belvedere North American market lead, Maletti Group
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Eufemia Styling Chair from Belvedere
Eufemia Styling Chair from Belvedere
SHOPPING TIP: “Always think of your customer first, when choosing salon equipment. Their comfort...
SHOPPING TIP: “Always think of your customer first, when choosing salon equipment. Their comfort and enjoyment of the atmosphere is essential to having them return. When you buy a beautiful European chair, you need to remember to check the inside width of the chair to ensure there is enough room for every client to fit comfortably.” -Luca Fonte, Belvedere North American market lead, Maletti Group

Inspired by classic design, the Eufemia Styling Chair from Belvedere has, among its main perks, versatility. This creates a comfortable space while balancing innovation. The wide color range allows an even stronger personalization of this product so that it can answer all contemporary project needs.

Check out all of our favorite new products and shopping tips for your salon space in Salon Today’s 2018 Décor Inspiration Guide.

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