Check out the original article here.
Blogging is a budget-friendly way to benefit your business long after hitting the ‘publish’ button. Interested in becoming a blogging master for your salon or spa? Use this guide by Millennium S.I. for creating powerful content that will help increase brand awareness, as well as your revenue.
Benefits of Blogging
Blogging on your salon or spa’s website is one of the best ways to differentiate yourself from your competitors. By providing your unique insights, you can ultimately increase your bottom line.
How? As one of the most cost-effective marketing and branding strategies, blogging has many benefits for your business, such as:
Naturally grows traffic to your website Supplements marketing campaigns Establishes your business as an industry leader Where to Start
So you want to blog, but where do you start? Creating processes for your blog will help ensure its success.
Your beginner action plan:
Start with a goal. How often will you post? Set a goal to begin blogging at least once a week and work your way up. Plan a few weeks in advance. Staying ahead of your content will ensure you stick to your goal and can stay flexible. Creating a content calendar with post ideas and schedules will help you stay organized Create a plan for how your content will be shared. Will it go on social media? In your newsletter? On community forums? Sharing your content after publishing will help maximize its reach. What to Write About
Once your blog strategy is in place, you will need content ideas. Coming up with relevant topics that your audience is motivated to read can be one of the hardest things when starting a blog. Luckily there are some ways to help brainstorm ideas:
Research industry trends. Research popular industry blogs and publications. Take note of hot trends and piggy back off of what’s currently happening in the beauty and wellness world. Use Google search. Use google as your friend. Start typing “salon” or “spa” in the search box and see what Google auto-completes as the top searches. Common client complaints. Working behind the chair is a great way to find relevant content ideas. Use your clients’ most common issues (thinning hair, dry skin, etc.) as inspiration for your blog. Your Guide to Starting a Blog
With the right strategy, blogging can be a powerful tool for your salon and spa. Take the time and effort to position your blog as a high-quality aspect of your brand so you can leverage it to set you apart from the competition. Need a little more guidance? Download Millennium S.I.'s free guide for everything you need to know about starting a successful blog.
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Originally posted on Modern Salon