Keep Indianapolis Beautiful
Tyler Mason
Owner: Tammy Baker
Wanting to up their philanthropic ante, the Tyler Mason team met with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful and agreed to Adopt-A-Block, keeping a section of the street where they were located free of litter and beautifully landscaped. When they learned the organization had a grant program for schools, they met with a teacher from the nearby Chapelwood Elementary.
“The teacher was instantly on board, explaining that the students of the inner city school don’t have many opportunities to learn and play in nature,” Baker says.
The salon team developed an educational unit around Earth Day and went into the school once a week through April, ultimately helping the students plant their own greenhouse vegetable garden. As the school’s community partner, they sponsored the grant application and helped them plant a red maple tree at the school as part of the grant process. The elementary school also agreed to adopt a block on their portion of the street, and together the school and the salon drafted letters to local businesses to get them on board.
“All of these endeavors are meaningful to the long-term stability of our neighborhood,” Baker says. “What started as an awareness campaign has become a multi-year campaign to revitalize our little corner of the world.”
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