Haircuts can be scary--the number-one rule is distraction, distraction, distraction. (photo...
Haircuts can be scary--the number-one rule is distraction, distraction, distraction. (photo credit: Alison Alhamed)Alison Alhamed

Watching your client go from haircuts perched on a parent’s knee to seeing them off to college can be rewarding and heartwarming. But it also takes a whole lot of patience when working with children—and knowing the number-one rule: distraction, distraction, distraction.

We polled our @modernsalon Instagram followers to learn their favorite tips:

@tiffanyraelene: I’ve found kids are a lot more into it and chill if they know me. Then we are just hanging out and doing what we do and they are just a part of it. I also have a stash of chocolate that they know they only get when finished.

@kyleandrewprofessional: I always have a hair swatch from my hair ex- tensions services! Most kids love the bright-colored hair and the softness; it usually keeps kids pretty happy and their hands out of the way.

@mrs_s_wilson: Bubbles are my favorite distraction. Mom or dad can blow them while I’m snipping away!

@mlilip: I always tell the kids, “Let’s just give you a trim.” They don’t know what that word is. To kids, cut equals boo-boo—especially when you’re coming at them with scissors.

@emilyjeankathleen: Youtube favorite theme songs or openings of favorite shows on repeat. If I need to do the nape, I ask mom or dad to hold the iPad down near their toes.

@updosnz: If you’re using clippers, turn them on and let them hold them. Then the kids know it’s noth- ing to be afraid of. And try to have dad having a haircut at the same time.

@kidscutsandwaves: Show the children what tools you are using and explain what you are doing. I like to say things like, “Let’s do your hair.” I often tell my littles that we are going to play, and I try to make each expe- rience as fun as possible!

@mirandasharp: I used to work for Cookie Cutters. The chairs were little cars and we had TVs at each station with PBS Kids and Netflix. The reward was a balloon and sucker!


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Originally posted on Modern Salon