Kristi Brehm, owner of Lavish in Webster, Texas is serious about retail. She’s removed her front desk in order to get staff out on the floor, greeting clients and assisting them. She conducts weekly product focus classes with her team so they are always prepared to discuss any product. She holds regular huddles with both the front desk and her styling team reviewing goals and retail figures. She’s even arranged one-on-one personal coaching sessions between each staff member and her manufacturer representative.
One of the most important assets in Brehm’s retail department is her Life Stylist, a front-desk team member whose responsibility it is to conduct value-added services for clients, such as hand treatments or quick massages.
Want to find out more about Lavish's Life Stylist and how she fuels retail sales? SALON TODAY recommends clicking here to read the full article on, an innovative website that offers ideas, inspiration, tips and tools for stylists and salon owners. Check out the site for valuable business articles and case studies.
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