University Park, Florida
Owners: Terrence McKee & James Amato
Established: December 2014
Salon style: Fresh, Innovative, Zen Starship
Square footage: 2,800
Stations: 22
Equipment: Takara Belmont
Furniture: Eurisko, Home Resource
Total design investment: $515,000
Retail lines: Aveda
Color line: Aveda
Design by: Eurisko, Robert Claussen
Photography: Madelyn Alexander
Owners’ Comments:
“Nuovo is the Italian word for new, fresh innovative. We affectionately nicknamed this location ‘Zen Starship,’ as it integrates a calm, relaxed environment with the latest technology.”
Judges’ Comments:
“Love the toffee-colored station chairs and earth tones throughout the space—it’s modern, but warm.”—Nelson
“I like how the retail area is its own space and gives the feeling of shopping without being rushed.”—Lulgjuraj
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