Customer Retention 101 for the Hairdresser
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Did you know that it costs six times more to acquire a new client than it does to retain one you already have? Or that a repeat customer spends 67 percent more on a given purchase than a new customer does?” Clearly it’s well worth the time and effort it takes to keep your current client happy and engaged with your business. Booker created this guide where they compiled some of the best practices and useful advice that will keep your customers returning to your business again and again.

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Before you read more about specific customer retention techniques, here are some of the basics offered by Booker:

  1. First impressions are the longest lasting. Delivering to your customers a positive first experience will make them more likely to return to your business. Studies have shown that on average people (customers) visually assess a person or place in seven seconds. If you get a chance to speak to them, you might get 30 seconds. Today, potential clients typically first interact with your business through a business directory site like your Yelp listing, website, or Facebook Page. But when a client places a call to or visits your business, make sure that your staff speaks clearly, uses the client’s name, and engages the client in a conversation, rather than just take an appointment or schedules a class.
  2. Little things can make a big impact. It’s crucial to view your business through the eyes of your customers. Ask yourself: Is your facility clean? Is your staff in uniform? Are the magazines in your waiting area current? Remember, small disappointments can add up to an underwhelming experience. Setting up a schedule to review your business’s environment can make a big difference when it comes to a client’s impressions.
  3. Selling retail products can increase retention. Many studies indicate that a customer is approximately 50 percent more likely to return to your business when they purchase a retail product from you. Enable your staff to upsell products during a service using a mobile device rather than waiting for the client to reach the front desk. They will appreciate the convenience and, as a result, be more likely to return to your business.

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Originally posted on Modern Salon

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