| 800-417-4848 | | Owner: Neil Ducoff
For more than 21 years, leading business-minded salon/spa owners have been turning to Strategies for the systems, guidance and accountability needed to achieve consistent bottom-line profits, dynamic team-driven cultures and unrivaled customer service.
WHY WE’RE DIFFERENT: Unfortunately, most consulting firms gloss over the financial literacy and leadership issues that are at the root of most salon/spa business challenges. At Strategies, we don’t shy away from the real work that needs to be done. You need to understand your numbers. You need a pay program that you can afford and that rewards the right behaviors (we’re the inventors of Team-Based Pay). You need systems—for everything. Most importantly, you need the skills to become the leader your business needs you to be.
HOW WE WORK: The Strategies Membership Program offers access to phone coaching services, on-site training, seminars, and webinars for one low monthly fee. These services can be purchased a la carte as well.
CATCH US AT: All classes in Centerbrook, CT unless otherwise noted: Incubator: Jan. 11-14, in Sacramento, CA; Salon/Spa Manager Course: Feb. 22-24 in Austin, TX; Communicating with Staff: Mar. 8-9; Get Found Online: Mar. 22-23; Front Desk/Guest Services: April 26-28; Incubator Graduate Seminar: May 3-6; Incubator: May 17-20; Salon/Spa Manager Course: July 12-14; Front Desk/Guest Services: Sept. 13-15; Team-Based Pay Conference: Sept. 27-28 in Chicago; Incubator: Oct. 11-14; Salon/ Spa Game- Planning Retreat: Oct. 25-27; and Incubator Graduate Seminar: Nov 8-11.
WORDS OF WISDOM: Being stuck sucks... but being stuck is a choice.
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