2015 Coaches and Consultants Guide: Summit Salon Business Center

summitsalon.com  |  800-718-5949 or 763-478-9787  |  ssbc@summitsalon.com

Company Consulting Divisions: Salon & Spa Consulting, Cosmetology School Consulting, Front Desk Division, Financial Services Division

Owners: Glenn Baker, Heather Bagby, Michael Cole, Frank Gambuzza, Dave Kirby, Randy Kunkel, Sharon Kunkel, Peter Mahoney, Galvin Salsbery and Kristi Valenzuela

Summit Salon Business Center offers salon and spa owners a multitude of consulting opportunities, including:

Salon, Spa & Front Desk Division: Providing in-salon consulting (coaching services) to implement the Summit Systems, enhance culture and improve the salon company’s bottom-line.

• Summit Salon Career Path Setup

• 3-Year Financial Plan

* Professional Development Coaching Sessions

• Leadership Training

• Front Desk Career Path

• Salon Promotion Plan

Cosmetology School Division: In today’s fast-paced salon industry, one’s technical skills will only take a service provider so far. Partnering with Summit Salon Business Center’s School Consultants gives your instructors a plan to awaken and grow your students’ understanding of the additional skills necessary to achieve extraordinary income and happiness as a salon professional!

Financial Services Division: SSBC Financial Services provides reports that are custom-tailored for your business needs. Our turnkey financial service provides you with Monthly Financial Statements and Management Reports that include:

• Income Statement

• Balance Sheet

• Management Report with documented analysis of revenue, direct costs, gross profit, fixed costs, net income, and balance sheet current ratio.

• Lease Negotiations: There is no substitute for experience. Our consultants have knowledge gained from hundreds of lease negotiations. Get the most out of your lease and your space!

• Exit Strategies: Don’t go out with a whimper. Build an exit plan that will allow your salon to retain and grow key employees while creating financial freedom for you and your family.

WHY WE’RE DIFFERENT: Summit Salon Business Center creates, establishes and coaches your salon team through defined career paths, sound financial practices, marketing/branding and leadership and culture.

• 20% of the 2014 Salon Today 200 attended a Summit Salon® Training Program

• 22% average annual sales growth with Summit Salon Consulting in 2014

HOW WE WORK: We offer seminars and follow-up coaching services ranging from $200 to $3,000 via an organized and concise business plan that provides specific deliverables.

CATCH US AT: For a complete calendar of Summit Salon Programs, go to summitsalon.com

WORDS OF WISDOM: As a leader in your salon company, you need to accept that you Grow People for a Living! Successful salon companies do hair, nails and skin for fun and they grow people for a living. Summit Salon Business Center’s comprehensive support provides the tools to make it happen.


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