For colorist, conducting a thorough consultation is comfortable with new clients, but too many are resistant do a consultation with the client who has been coming to them for years.
“Everyone has a different style and approach on this, but I like to consult a client’s history before she comes in, do some note-taking and really plan for her visit,” says Keune studio team member Christopher Sulimay. “Then when she sits in my chair, I’ll say something like, ‘Susan, I saw you were coming in today and I’ve been thinking about your hair lately—I’ve just been to a new class and I have some ideas I’d like to share with you.’ That way you’re inviting Susan to have a consultation with you again.”
You can pull some tear sheets or pull out your iPad and show Susan some images that you pulled with her in mind. “And although she may not be ready for that change today, it starts the conversation and helps put an overall plan in place,” says Sulimay.
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