For more than 10 years, Eufora and its founders Don and Beth Bewley have supported Childhelp after being exposed to the great work the organization does with victims of child abuse. Eufora felt it was in a unique position to make a positive impact in the lives of children. Child abuse is a subject people tend to avoid, and Eufora knew it could give the organization a bigger voice through its vast network of salons and stylists. Eurfora encourages network salons to support Childhelp through various fund-raising activities throughout the years with an emphasis on April, which is Child Abuse Awareness Month, and September, when Eufora conducts its “One Tip-One Child” campaign. To help salons, Eufora offers support items to generate community awareness such as Childhelp balloons, bracelets, T-shirts, posters and marketing support items. 

Take Action Guide: Childhelp


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