Nail Talk Radio (NTR) is a weekly web-based radio show created by industry leader Athen A Elliott, a "nail tech in the trenches" for 30+ years. Co-hosted by Naja Rickette, a Celebrity Nail Stylist and reality show "super nail star," this duo delivers 90 minutes of all topics dedicated to nails! NTR offers current news in a progressive way with product reviews, Hollywood nail news, marketing, prizes and interviews with top industry leaders.
This Sunday, August 4 they are featuring George Schaeffer, OPI Founder & CEO on Sunday, August 4.
How to tune in:
Call +1 (917) 932-8407 when the show is scheduled to start – 7 p.m. PST, 8 p.m. MST, 9 p.m. CST, 10 p.m. EST depending on your time zone. Listeners can also stream the show online:
How to participate in the chat room:
Sign up at:, complete the easy registration process, as soon as you are signed in, you will see that the home page has the chat room link directly on it. It really is a great way to participate before, during, and after the show.
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