There are times when it truly pays to preach to the choir. An in-house newsletter dedicated to your customers, which showcases your services, retail and talent, is the perfect case in mind! So start preaching...
At Akari, we find newsletters to be one of the best ways in which to share new information and excite clients into participating in our future growth. The newsletter is displayed throughout the salon and clients are encouraged to take one with them.
Involve your team in the production of your newsletter and you will be surprised with the talent, themes and ideas they come up with.
Here are some reasons as to why you should consider publishing one issue, at least every three months:
- It is one of the most cost-effective ways to impart information to your customers.
- It sets the tone of conversation with customers and opens the dialogue with their service providers.
- Customers are naturally inquisitive and easily ask questions on the subjects they are reading.
- It's an effective way to help launch new services, products, protocols, points programs, etc.
- It supplements your web and social media presence.
- Encourages new and established service providers to write articles. These articles help establish their credibility and provide another venue for referrals, as well as attracting new customers.
- Articles can cover trends, styles, color, services, events and other promos.
- Photo shoots can also play an important role in showcasing your promotions.
- It's a great way to feature your top clients and their interests.
- A newsletter creates a team project that service providers can work on during down time, including participation in a photo shoot.
- It keeps moral up, showcases your team's talents and keeps clients invested.
When contemplating how to start here are some tips...
- Start with quality not quantity. Our first newsletter was a black white single page. We now publish bi-monthly in color and are up to 16 pages and growing.
- Commit to having at least a holiday / winter issue, as well as spring, summer and fall.
- Once you have an established a routine, work on expanding content.
- Topics can include, weddings, men's services, new treatments, staff training and outside education, employee of the month, expansions, new team members and their backgrounds, any team celebrations / successes, etc.
- Partner and feature with other local retailers, and they in-turn will refer new clients.
- Have your vendors supply you with copy and photos of new products.
- Create a yearly format, and have a plan in place as to topics to be covered in every issue. Try planning three to four issues ahead.
- Inform your team and delegate articles well ahead of dateline, stay on top of their progress and let them know that there is support available to help them pull their stories together.
- There are many computer programs available on graphic design that are user friendly, ask around. Get some of your clients involved.
- Make sure all your work is proofread multiple times before publishing.
Newsletters along with customer testimonials, referrals, points, email blasts and other in house programs, cost next to nothing to produce, yet are some of the best tools available in reaching out to your base. Your team will also benefit greatly from seeing their work featured and photo shoots published. It earns them credibility and raises everyone's self-esteem.
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