No matter what clients are considering‘buying or trying’ – a new color technique or the latest cosmeceutical brand – they go through a journey before making the leap. This journey has long been documented by marketing experts.
On Facebook the journey may look different, but it’s not. It’s the standard cycle of ‘awareness’ through to ‘purchase’; from fan to client.
Step 1 – Discover
The first obstacle in attracting new clients on Facebook is getting your page in front of them.Promoting your Facebook page in the salon, in all marketing activities such as email marketing and on your website helps drive traffic there. Investing in Facebook ads can also be an affordable way to attract more people to your page.
One tried-and-tested method is to run a contest that you promote in salon and which your clients and their friends can only enter via your Facebook page.
Step 2 – Like Your Page
Once you get people to your page, give them a goodreason to ‘like’ it. If you are running a contest on your page, you can block people from entering until they ‘like’ the page.
Step 3 – Engage With You
Seventy per cent of people will seek out reviews about a new business before they book. Translated into Facebook-speak: they want to get to know you first. Consistent, strategic updates on your Facebook page tell them all about you. Establishing your authority and credibility are essential ways to coax them closer and closer. Consider these types of updates:
- Positive reviews from your online review profiles
- Client pictures from the chair
- Profiles of your stylists, showing how much fun it is to be at the salon
- Tips on homecare – styling, products and general advice on looking good
- Promotions and offers (minimal, please)
Step 4 – Book With You
Make it easy for them to come in for their first visit.Many salons will use contests or social activities to get new prospects through the door for the first time. Special events in the salon oronline competitions will get Facebook users closer to trying your salon. Make it easy for them to book their first appointment with a ‘specials’ page linked to an online booking service so they can book their first appointment straight from Facebook.
Step 5 – Comment
This is the new segment of the client journey, enabling salons to reach more new clients. With Facebook’s own Graph Search, online reviews and social media affecting the way people find new businesses, the more clients comment on their experience, the easier it will be to up the number of likes and start the process all over again with new fans.
Valorie Reavis is part of Linkup Marketing, an online and social media marketing specialist focusing on search engine marketing, salon email marketing programs and social media marketing for salons and spas. If you have any queries for the Linkup team check out the website, email, find them on or follow them on Twitter @linkupmarketing.
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