Friends and Helpers was born in California to help women, parents, families, and children affected by domestic abuse. Because so many victims flee their abusive situation with only the clothes on their backs, Friends and Helpers organizes basic necessity gift bags as well as special holiday initiatives, including "Adopt a Family."
This year, Marie Ferro, owner of Maries's Hair Studio in Malibu, CA, was in charge of creating "beauty bags" and she called on the beauty industry to contribute products--and they did, generously. Ferro and a team of nearly 100 people donated their time at a recent holiday event to wrap gifts, assemble the beauty bags and stuff stockings.
Nearly 1,000 beauty bags were put together. Companies that contributed included OPI, Malibu Wellness, Paul Mitchell, Colorproof, Goldwell/KMS, Phyto, Atar perfume and The Body Shop.
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