I am one decade and one year more than 20 years in the industry. I was told that anything over 20 just say 20+ but the other 11 years still count and with the way technology, branding and education have changed my 20+ year tenure is just not enough to express the transformational experience I have, for instance, we didn’t use the word branding 10 years ago.
The BEaUty Brand Blog is designed for beauty professionals on how U can better promote yourself, your ideas and creativity through your business/es, staff and clients. BEaUty Brand is the authentic approach to understandingyour personal brand, developing your brand, creating theawareness and of course sharing your beauty brand.
Let’s first talk about a brand, according to Seth Godin branding expert…he states “A brand is a set of expectations, memories, stories and that taken together account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another, if the consumer does not pay a premium, make a selection or spread the word then no brand value exists for that consumer.
There is something special that you possess enough that you are willing to provide it and bring it forth to the world, let’s explore it, refine it, expose it and create your BEaUty Brand. As an expert (because I have 20+ years in the industry) I help develop and promote artists and speakers in our industry to be better at expressing their passion and branding their talents.
Be sure to follow me and add your ideas too, I know I am not the only expert.
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