The dynamic duo behind Naked Audience Productions, Bonnie Bonadeo and Alejandra  Crisafulli, are helping stylists tap into their star power to share that on platform, at work and in their lives.   I attended STAGES, a 2½-day certification training recently held in Laguna Beach, which attracted established educators and platform artists, sales consultants and stylists, all with the common desire to create a compelling brand message---for themselves.   Some want to form a branding plan for their own career, others to develop a name and to get booked as guest artists, but all learned that to connect with an audience, they must first be in touch with themselves.  Bonadeo and Crisafulli demonstrated teach-able techniques for stage presentations, how to take charge of and lead group presentations and to be confident in expressing who they are on stage and off.

“Alejandra and I co-founded Naked Audience with the sole purpose of providing a support system for the people who are doing education in our industry,” explains Bonadeo.  “When we started promoting it out there we were hearing, ‘I’ve been waiting for this.’  Unless you were with a particular brand you didn’t have training on presentation.  And even then, it is often training on product knowledge but not necessarily on how to stand before an audience.”



At this first STAGES training, there were some seasoned professionals and also stylists brand new to the business.  “It was interesting because we had a combination of people that were there, a very broad spectrum, from those interested in becoming educators for the first time and then those with a lot of experience,” said Crisafulli. ”Because of that we were able to see your background or experience doesn’t matter –what matters is you—being authentic and connected to yourself and being open to share more about who you are because that’s what really creates connection with your listeners.“






  • On speaking before an audience:  “If it feels like you’re rambling, you probably are.”
  • “Speaking from your authentic self is the most important connective piece to any presentation. We’re out there selling and telling, but we should be sharing and connecting.”
  • “Tap into what is unique about you--your upbringing, your passion, even your pain.  Own what makes you you.”
  • “Think of speakers who have inspired you.  What did they do or what did they possess? It was never about the products they were talking about or what they were wearing. It was about their ability to lead you to a place you didn’t know you wanted to go but were completely inspired to be there.”
  • “Unconscious communication is where you will end up using your go to words—um, so, okay. These are mechanisms you will revert to when you don’t know what to say or how to transition.  The more you try to stop using them the more you will use them.”
  • “To transition in a presentation or training, ask questions, make a statement, use analogies that connect one subject to the next. “
  • From Elaine Travis, Salon Owner  Splash Hair Studio and Color Educator:“ I did not know where to find the education to be a better educator, I kept hitting a wall and after attending the Stages Program I was blown away, this was exactly what I needed and I am so ready to go back and teach using all the skills that I learned on being an authentic speaker,  educator and platform artist.”

 Stylists, Take the Stage

The training culminated in 10 minute presentations that were recorded and will be sent to participants with detailed evaluations.

Naked Audience has had requests for repeat performances and plan to mount STAGES again in early 2013.

For more information, contact Bonnie Bonadeo at bonnie@nakedaudienceproductions.comor 877-319-2403, ext. 5.

Anne Moratto

Anne Moratto

West Coast Beauty and Markets Editor

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