Don't ask Kim VÅ to do something half way. Described as "the best blonder in the business" he is also one of the most committed. When preparing to launch BLONDME by Schwarzkkopf Professional (for which he is acting as Ambassador) Vo concieved and created an event that took elements of today--Victoria's Secret, Luis Vuitton--and combined it with inspiring beauty icons of the past--Veronica Lake, Rita Hayworth, Marilyn--for a thorougly modern, very theatrical and sexy mix.
Called “Proper to Pin-Up,” original costumes were designed by longtime VÅ collaborator, stylist Julian Barcellz, and each represented one of the toners in the BLONDME line. As directed by Vo, the models would appear first in prim, feminine dresses, their long-hair gathered in faux bobs. Then, because as VÅ says, "we all have two sides to us" they pull their pins and fling off their frocks to reveal vintage-inspired lingerie and loose, flowing locks.
These inner vixen results were unveiled at a launch event in New York City but prior to the unveiling, he performed color prep on his models at his Beverly Hills Salon at the Montage Hotel. In the videos below, VÅ shares his enthusiasm for the line and offers blond-ing tips.
The models VÅ chose would be lifting to beautiful new heights of light. He described the end results as:
- Vanilla Vamp—Think January Jones—Quality cool bonde tones
- Sand—Think Nicole Ritchie—Clear, true blonde with no brassy undertones
- Blondette-Think Jessica Alba—Creates a ‘caramel dream’
- Strawberry—Think Nicole Kidman—Not too pink or orange; professional pastel rose effect
- Lilac—Think Katy Perry—Eye-catching lilac tone
- Steel Blue—Think Kate Bosworth—Ombre tips, dip and dye, for anti-orange effect.
BLONDME’s philosophy is premium hair care from start to finish. Offering a range of shades and polymers to lighten and lift, at-home blonde maintenance is the core of BLONDME.
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