OWNER: Bonnie Bonadeo

The Beauty Agents 2012


The Beauty Agents is the only talent/speaker bureau and directory to exclusively represent the professional industry’s speakers, artists, educators, photographers and business resources. We provide speakers and educators for in- salon/school programs, classes, shows, events and photo shoots; we also specialize in event planning services so your program will be a success.

WHY WE’RE DIFFERENT: Our mission is to “Connect People to the Power of Beauty.” We offer the best talent the industry has to offer; scan the QR code and see for yourself.

HOW WE WORK: Visit the website to review the available talent for in-salon programs or specialty events, or contact us and we will help you to custom-design your education needs for the year.

CATCH US AT: The Beauty Agents artists and speakers are at every major trade show and industry event. Call today for classes and programs in your area.

OUR ADVICE: Imagine selecting your favorite educator or talent to come to you for education in business, technical skills, photo shoots and consulting when you want them and where you want them!

MY PROFIT TIP: Profi tability comes with confi dence and confi dence comes with education…don’t wait, build your dream team today by investing in education that is customized and available for you and your business.

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