With nearly 750 million users on Facebook, it is no longer a question of whether your salon should have a presence there, but how to do it. In a free webinar sponsored by the National Association of Eco-Friendly Salons and Spas, Social Media Coach and Strategist Kathy Sipple will demonstrate how to make Facebook a smart and sustainable part of any salon marketing program.

The webinar will cover:

  • Best practices for smart Facebook marketing
  • Why Facebook marketing equals green marketing
  • Tips and tools for creating effecive campaigns
  • Efficiency tips for managing your page


The webinar workshop will be presented live, October 19 from 1:30 to 2:00 (CST) and will be recorded to share with those who cannont attend live. You may dial in for the audio only or use an internet link to view the accompanying visuals.

Although there is no charge for the event, space is limited. CLICK HERE to register to reserve your spot.

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