Harry Wood IV
COMPLAINS about income potential,
point them to their smartphones for
a proactive tool that helps them help
themselves. Six Figure Hairdresser a
new app released for iPad and iPhone,
coaches motivated hairdressers to build
their careers to the six-figure level.
The app includes 10 modules that
cover everything from building client
relationships to using technology and
social media.
The app and the program is the
brainchild of Harry Wood IV, a lead
stylist and coach for the Van Michael
Salons based in Atlanta, who has firsthand
knowledge of building a six-figure
income. "You don't have to be a big
name to make big money," says Wood.
"This inspirational program unlocks the
secrets of successful hairdressers, from
goal-setting, to exuding confidence to
building multiple revenue streams."
⢠"Your business involves much
more than cutting hair. Be a leader in
your salon. Think of a market your salon
has yet to tap and corner it. Look for
opportunities to grow."
⢠"To make real money in this industry,
you need to be booked out. Set a goal
to be booked out a month in advance or
longer. On days when you find yourself
with openings, see what you can do to
fill them. For instance, if your salon is
departmentalized, ask a few colorists if
they have clients coming in that day who
may want a hair cut."
⢠"When you stand in front of a
client while they're talking, you create a
space where only you and the client are
present. Look them in the eyes, nod and
ask questions to clarify. When making
recommendations, stand behind the
client. This is an authoritative position.
Show them in the mirror what you
⢠"Marketing is no longer a one-way
street. Social media has created a world
where marketing means a dialogue
back and forth. Recent research shows
that when making a purchase decision,
people now get more information about
the product or service from other people
than from the company selling the
product or service. There's an endless
conversation going on and your clients
are in on it. You want to be part of that
conversation, too."
For more details on the app, visit
sixfigurehairdresser.com, follow Six
Figure Hairdresser on Facebook, or
download the app.
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